Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Week 12 Part A: Using Business Specific Online Tools

Our business has always been part of the Encinitas community. The collaboration online tools I read upon was intriguing. Although. I did not find anything pertaining to my business on the Snack Nation website. I have my own personal LinkedIn account and did some research pertaining to the donut shop. The search groups I came across were, local Entrepeneur's, small business owners, and cake and donuts. The two groups basically explain what we already covered in class. Marketing ourselves and how we differentiate from our competitors. Creating content on social media that's eye opening, clean font, along with being consistent. 

I think Meet Up would be a great asset for us. For example, if there is a up and coming coffee business, we can collaborate with each other. From attending workshops or seminars in the same industry. They distribute their coffee to us along with them offering our donuts to their own customers.  According to my husband, this past September was the International Baking Industry Exposition at the Las Vegas Convention Center. We are already planning on attending next year and looking forward to it. 

Since we do have a store front, google maps has already established our location. Google business would not be a utilized platform compared to yelp. However, things may change when we take over. For now, yelp is what we are currently using. Overall rating, we have 27 reviews. My husband has some ideas to making the donut shop more up to date along with many changes in the future. It's difficult trying to change the mindset of a business owner of 35 years. They're mentality is, " if it's not broken, then why fix it."


  1. Ooooo that coffee and donut collaboration sounds absolutely divine. I would definitely enjoy being there for that. Do you know how your husband found out about the baking exposition? It sounds like a great idea to attend. And with the changes you intend to make, I understand why it's difficult to change if what you're doing is working. Maybe you could just do slight adjustments so it doesn't feel like you're doing too much?

  2. I love the coffee and donut collaboration too! Please post about that on social so I can attend :-) YUM! I bet you could both also post about that meetup on social and tag each other. Also, totally good point about changing the mindset of a business owner. I think that's a really good point since a lot of the other businesses in this class are newer. You already know what works for you in a lot of ways! (North County Fam)

  3. I love coffee and donuts! You guys post a lot of great pictures of donuts, I will definitely stop by for a donut soon! I think you are right clear fonts and consistent posts are key to be successful on those online tools. You are also the third person who has mentioned meet up as a tool that could be helpful. I agree attending seminars is great for networking and being around like minded individuals is also inspiring.

  4. It is great to be able to collaborate with other businesses using Meet Up. By doing so, we can grow up our business.

  5. Hey Kristy, I also thought that Meetup would be a great tool for collaboration. Love your idea of linking with a coffee shop! Makes a lot of sense that you use Google because you have a brick and mortar shop. Congratulations on your active Yelp page! 27 reviews is great for a small business. I look forward to hearing about your business as you and your husband modernize the business.


Week 17-Final Post- Wrapping it up

 First and foremost, thank you for teaching this class. I enjoyed diving more into social media and how it applies to businesses. Going into...