Monday, November 14, 2022

Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

 I commented on Alex's post and felt the drive he has for his business. I admire the determination to keep his customers happy. He mentioned about using yelp to stay engaged and if there were negative comments, he would take them as constructive criticism. He thrives on customer service quality. Also using live streaming with Instagram, TikTok, and twitch. All live streaming apps to keep that personal relationship with his consumers. 

Towa who is in my group, mentioned about using music sites to advertise his business. Soundcloud being one that you can stream music a person made for free. As for apple music, the only comparison is paying for it.

Max wrote about Meetups. He and I had a similar experience with finding dance classes. It's a great way to network from a business standpoint and meet people in the same industry as you. 

Pablo is the last person I commented on. LinkedIn is a great tool in recruiting employees through the " jobs" tab. Discussions boards about clothing-related topics and articles about everything. Similar business industry helping each other out with advice or tools to help be successful. 

In conclusion, not every business tool is going to work with some of my classmate's ideas. We all have different establishments and demographics/psychographics. Although, I did find it helpful, that LinkedIn is beyond then a job seeking site. Groups and articles are interesting to read about. I've only used LinkedIn for a year and now I'm constantly on it and reading about marketing stuff. Business trends along with luxury fashion brand discussion boards. 

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Week 17-Final Post- Wrapping it up

 First and foremost, thank you for teaching this class. I enjoyed diving more into social media and how it applies to businesses. Going into...