Sunday, October 30, 2022

Week 10 Part A: Researching Email Marketing

 Being in the food and service industry for over 35 years, email marketing would be another add on to drive more business for us. Ideally, we would email monthly or during major holidays and local events, to spread awareness of what we have to offer and our location. 

The information we can use in a newsletter would be special orders for any occasion.  Last year we had a client who requested 100 dozen Sufganiyot (jelly donuts) for Hanukkah. Another year, we had Scripps Encinitas Hospital asking for 12 dozen donuts for their holiday party. We also offer boba in 20 different flavors and among other items. During the holidays, schools, churches, and companies will have their gatherings prior to the actual celebration day.  This weekend Halloween donuts was our special. Encinitas Unified School District is returning back from fall break and Halloween just so happens to be this Monday, a few orders have been inquired. 

A few newsletters I'm currently subscribed to is Young Living Essential Oils. I partake in these during the colder months. I usually look for promotions for holiday items and stocking stuffers. Also, how I can help boost our immune system the natural way. Another one I look forward to is my son's elementary school newsletter, Wildcat Weekly.  These are sent every week which I don't mind. All the upcoming events and lunch menu is very informative for our family. This week is Red Ribbon Week. Every student and staff member are encouraged to participate each theme of the day. 

I just signed up for our competitor's newsletter, VG Donut and Bakery.  Once I receive a newsletter from them, I will definitely keep the class updated. 


  1. Great stuff! I'd consider adding a section about the most popular weekly or monthly donut (depending on how often you send out emails). Just an idea. I like how you have a section on holiday special donuts as well!

  2. Hey Kristy. It was great to hear your real life account of how offering orders for special occasions paid off! I would love to see you send out newsletters previewing upcoming flavors, I think it would really help bring in excitement from your audience!


Week 17-Final Post- Wrapping it up

 First and foremost, thank you for teaching this class. I enjoyed diving more into social media and how it applies to businesses. Going into...