Sunday, November 6, 2022

Week 11 Part B: Marketing with other Social Media

 The following classmates that I commented on their blogs are Max, Amy, and Emmanuel. Two of my classmates chose TikTok. Both agreed how big the network is in terms of users, influencers, along with promoting businesses. A group member and I have in common is that TikTok was a great app to entertain ourselves during the pandemic lockdown 2 years ago. When businesses were closed, they relied on social media marketing to stay afloat, in which TikTok surpassed the defining moment of hardship.

Another classmate researched LinkedIn. We both see eye to eye as it being a professional social network and less business promoting. Comparatively, we both utilize LinkedIn for potential career opportunities and making connections with ideal companies. One topic that I was not aware of is that you can use LinkedIn to organize offline events. Good to know.

In conclusion I feel that any social media platform will be prominent when it comes to promoting business, networking, and all the great things it does now. It will only advance as the years come even with a new owner of a specific social media platform. Not only is it progressing, but it is sustainable. I really enjoyed this assignment. It definitely made me go in depth about each digital marketing organization.

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