Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Week 17-Final Post- Wrapping it up

 First and foremost, thank you for teaching this class. I enjoyed diving more into social media and how it applies to businesses. Going into depth with all the marketing tools and utilizing them has been a great learning experience. I also took delight of reading my classmates real business or fictious and how they would implement on what we covered in class each week. 

My viewpoint on social media has not changed much. I do feel concerned about certain things in regard to privacy. My personal accounts I have a better perception on what I post especially with my kids. However, on a business standpoint, the more I put out there, the better. More exposure turns into clients and generate sales. As apple mentioned, about the privacy policy I think is great unless you are a small business trying to make a name for yourself. I see how it can impact on that. 

Creating a business profile on Instagram and Facebook, has helped discover new customers through the research I learned. For example, how many viewers looked at our page and new followers. Interesting enough, other businesses started following us. In a sense it's great networking which can lead to potential collaborations and new customers. 

Our business had a minor increase with customers. A family came in after seeing our Instagram on special orders of donuts and requested 2 dozen Christmas and Hannukah donuts for an event. We hope this turns out to be a frequent client of ours. Apparently, she searched Encinitas donuts through the hashtag and came across to us. We were closer to her and the reviews on yelp sealed the deal! 

With social media constantly revolving and being the digital way of word of mouth, Encinitas Donuts needs to stay on track with the latest trends. Venturing out on other platforms especially TikTok since many young viewers use it. We can capitalize on that target market and generation. Since we are close to San Diguito Academy high school, it gives us the opportunity to convert the students into customers. Also, we would need to keep creating new content and posting consistently to stay relevant. 

I appreciate the guidance you taught us in this class. The commenting on your group's post let alone creating and writing a blog was unfamiliar to me. I've never written one or even read one. I love the idea of blogging now! Thank you. To my classmates, I value the feedback I got from you about Encinitas Donuts. Next year as the new owners, we will take consideration of all the suggestions that were made. Good luck!

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Week 17-Final Post- Wrapping it up

 First and foremost, thank you for teaching this class. I enjoyed diving more into social media and how it applies to businesses. Going into...